Participation in Public Discourse over Controversial Topics
Published online 30 May 2023
Some clinicians wish to find ways to disseminate or
support evidence-based information that can affect the health of their patients, but that may be mired in misinformation or heated controversy. Dr. Putman discusses suggestions from some experts.
The Rewards of Thinking Like a Generalist
Published online: 27 Mar 2023
Subspecialty psychiatry will no doubt continue to provide increasingly effective levels of care to patients, but Dr. Putman suggests the best practice may be approaching the diagnosis of every new patient as a generalist.
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Rational Psychopharmacology
Published Online: 27 February 2023
Bruce Bassi, MD, interviews Dr. Paul Putman about his recent book Rational Psychopharmacology: A Book of Clinical Skills, his upcoming book Encountering Treatment Resistance: Success Through Reconceptualization, and the use of metacognition to reduce errors and improve treatment outcomes.
Adverse Events in Psychopharmacology
Published Online: 18 June 2021
This webinar reviews the general assessment of and response to adverse events, including discontinuation syndrome, serotonin syndrome, tardive dyskinesia, extrapyramidal syndrome, rash, suicidality and neuroleptic malignant syndrome.
Critical Lifestyle Supports to Successful Clinical Psychopharmacology
Published Online: 21 April 2021
In this webinar, Dr. Putman reviews how sleep, exercise, weight, diet, alcohol, recreational drug use and stimulants like caffeine and nicotine must be approached in practicing psychopharmacology.